Tuesday, September 30, 2008

water bottle toss

I am affraid these past few days have been a little rough. Not in any dramatic sense though. Rather, more just my state of mind and maybe slightly my physical well being. Mpre that, all my clothes are dirty, I ran out of shampoo in the shower this morning, and you have to pay to use the stove. -50 Euro per 20 minutes and of course I bought slow cooking brown rice. And physically...I woke this morning with a terrible headache. I think smoke was the culprit. You can smoke pretty much everywhere in my current hostel, excpet in the rooms. This sucks. I woke with a bloody nose, puffy eyes, plugged head, and a voice which sounded much like a carrtoon characters. I didn´t really know what to do with myself. So, I started to walk. My original goal was to go on a hike todaz, but, concidering mz sate when I woke I thought ´´NO.´´I guess the past few days have been more weary than rough. The first few hostels post Courtney were great. Plenty of people to talk to and wxplore with and cook with. But, when I moved in with a two year old and his father (who I am pretty sure is my age) and the mother-grandmother things started to head slightly down hill. The grandmother was a smoker, this was an understatement. Every breathe she took sounded like a jam on a sewing machine, a really bad jam. I didn´t really sleep and I didn´t want to use ear plugs because I needed to hear my alarm in the morning for my train. Luckily that was only two nights. And this hostel or current crowd, they are all smokers. That is the only way to have friends. They sit around all day and night and smoke and go online on their lap top computers. I don´t think they have even seen the mountains. I am in Innsbruck, Austira.
I have always thought of mýself as a pretty independent and slelf entertaining person. So, the prospect of becoming lonely seemed slim. I suppose when I came to and realised that my new best friend was two years old and we would spend the next few hours throwing a 1 L water bottle-I wont lie, I became a little lonely. So, this morning as I walked around in self pitty I found a rocky spot on the river to sit and watch the clouds lift until they were high above the mountains. I will spend the next two nights in Innsbruck SMOKE Ausria, I think most of thiat time will be spent on this river bank. Then, jump on a train to Salzburg, then Wein, before I cetch a flight to Helsinki.
Skirts abd scarfs-my clothes are all dirty. A new flavor of gum. Plums. Mountains, rocks, water, bijkes. Still bread, cheese, and chocolate.


Dean Miller said...

Hi Sweet Pea!
I just wanted to say hello and tell you how much we love reading about your adventures. We check in every day to see if you've posted anything new and find out where you are.
Hang in there. We all hit rough spots on the road, but it always gets better.
Take care and know that we are all with you in spirit.
Much love,

Claire said...

thanks tracie, it is nuice to know that other people are reading this too besdies just my parents. i hope that sometime soon i will be able to put pictures up for all the wonderful places i have been. i am affraid my words are not sufficent.